South Sudan, Uganda: Refugees, Orphans and Widows - Ambassador Ministries

South Sudan, Uganda: Refugees, Orphans and Widows

Ambassador Ministries in South Sudan:

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Why you need to be a part of Ambassador Ministries. In the early morning hours, just before the rising of the sun, our brave pastors return to Uganda, having crossed the border of South Sudan where they have given as much food as they can carry to the starving and sometimes abandoned children in the many refugee camps inside of South Sudan. These children and many starving refugees need just two things from you besides financial support. Food and a promise to never be forgotten.

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The United Nations’ top official operating on the behalf of humanitarian assistance has said that aid workers in South Sudan are finding it hard to operate because roadblocks are suddenly being erected in some areas. According to United Nations about 2-1/2 million South Sudanese are on the brink of famine and that food stocks in some places could run out by next month.

The United Nations also said that more than six million people, which is more than half of the South Sudan’s population are in need of aid.

The AP News agency told the reporters from the capital of Juba on Monday that this situation is “worrying” as demands are being made of humanitarian workers before their convoys are allowed to proceed.

The aid workers are literally being extorted of money. The AP news agency reported “roadblocks are suddenly being established and demands are being made of humanitarian workers that they pay to allow the convoys to go through.” Many aid workers risk being kidnapped and have seen their supplies and equipment looted, she said.

South Sudan sits North of Uganda and West of Ethiopia in central Africa. A country founded on the need for religious freedom, humanitarian improvements and the right for the people to live their lives without fear of genocide, has been anything but those things.

One of the more tragic issues facing the South Sudan people is the fact that the very freedom of religion they were promised has placed a target on their backs as Muslim extremist are now hunting down know Christians and putting them to death for their faith in Christ. The Christian persecution going on in South Sudan is a stain on humanity as all of the other countries sit back and do nothing; including the United States.

Most of the South Sudan Sudanese live a refugee lifestyle given that almost every radical group is attempting to exterminate them and has them in a state of movement just to survive. Charity for the children in these refugee camps has been on the heart of Ambassador Ministries for a while and we call on you to join with us.

South Sudan is the youngest country in the world and yet suffers from some of the oldest oppressions a population could have. As a people the South Sudanese have been as patient as an oppressed people could be when it comes to receiving help and support from the outside.

Their needs are immense and immediate. Which is why Ambassador Ministries Inc. has said “yes” to help tackle hunger, medical and humanitarian needs right in the center of refugee camps that are spread all over South Sudan. Ambassador Ministries is dedicated to serving and caring for the children and the other hurting people in South Sudan.

Support needs are deep and include foods of all kinds, medical supplies, hygiene products, clothes and shelter. When you make a donation to charity, especially South Sudan, you will be helping to save a child from a life of misery.

Everything you can do to support these gentle people will go farther than you know. You may never see where every dollars lands, but know that it will find the perfect place so their lives and hearts will be healed.

Our monthly goal for supporting the refugee camps, orphans and widows in South Sudan is $2,200 per month. Never forget, We’re in this together. Supporting crucial causes worldwide.

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